“It takes 2years to learn to speak, but it takes a lifetime to learn
what not to speak”. Speaking so to speak is an art in itself. A very
few of the lot is blessed with this facet and often they are referred to as
‘Quick-witted’ or ‘Articulated’ or ‘Thoughtful’ and few other words of which I might
not be aware of. In some cases those who don’t know what to speak and keep mum are
type-casted into “The Thoughtful” category. We should be able to identify them quickly,
so that we need not wait an eternity for their ‘pearls of wisdom’. For those
lacking this glib of ‘thoughtful speaking’, we ought to seek the expertise of
the Zen masters!!
faithfully (that would be me) here has had some opportunity to seek the expert
guidance or speaking in layman terms learnt it the hard way from ahem ahem, and it was pretty effective,
it shook the very basic foundation which I was following religiouly. So,
speaking of speaking, yours faithfully learnt that how to speak and what to
speak do matter a lot, ofcourse it includes the choice of words too!!
It had
been deciphered from ‘THE’ learning that the audience could be classified
broadly into- People-who-matter and People-who-don’t-matter. For those who
don’t matter we can fire on all cylinders, meaning you could shoot what’s on
the tip of your tongue without thinking. In the stream of people-who-matter
that can be further classified into Professional (incl. education) &
Personal (Family & Friends), it’s a sticky issue. In the earlier case one
false ‘sentence’ might jeopardise your career while in
the later, your personal bond is affected.
So, yours
truly (psst..got promoted from faithfully after the learning) who got rapped
royally has formulated ‘A’ procedure to ensure that People-Who-Matter are
addressed properly or so to speak spoken to correctly.
For those
with serious outlook:
P.S: All the info has been furnished after obtaining all the necessary clearances from the ‘concerned’ authorities. :)
BTW all that has been said need not be completely applicable to a few, many or all cases...in which case the failed outcome of implementing the said process rests purely with the 'user' and rest assured the author has had a good laugh imagining it!!!
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